Ask Does GPS Mobile App

By Nathan Weinberg

Everybody’s talked about connecting Google Maps on mobile devices with a GPS receiver in order to make it extremely more useful, but Google hasn’t done it yet (except on a single phone). That lost opportunity means Ask has beaten them to it, with the release of Ask Mobile GPS. Right now, it only works on Sprint GPS phones, but that’s better than the competition, and it features a rich visual interface, something I call “iPhone class”, representing the new generation of mobile apps that actually look good.

It lets you find your way around town with turn by turn directions, just like an expensive GPS unit, send directions/locations via text message to a friend, run local searches, and connect with Evite to see your events and find your way there.

May 14, 2007 by Nathan Weinberg in:

One Response to “Ask Does GPS Mobile App”

  1. RichB Says:

    I downloaded the new UK version of Google Mobile Maps onto an o2 XDA Orbit (Windows Mobile with in-built GPS) over the weekend. It was able to follow my location as we were driving.

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